09 January 2006

15 Park Avenue

is a beautiful movie...as expected I would say..

Waheeda Rahman...Shabana..Konkana..Rahul Bose..Shefali Chaya...how could it not be .....
at one point in movie I remembered Rani in 'Black' and it seemed so contrived...
in 15 Park Avenue , everyone seems so apt..so natural..Konkana is amazing...
except for Kanwaljeet...he should stick to his soaps..

and the end..how do you take the end..is it all Shabana's imagination .. ? that would be so M Night Shyamalam ...
maybe its a test for the audience psychosis...
I was all ok..life goes on ..nothing cut and dried..
my SIL wanted konkana to die..and solve all the problems..
my mom when narrated wanted her to be cured..

and its not that its all very sad and gloomy and introspective..there are quite a few moments that make you laugh involuntarily..with tears in eyes..

I guess its...as Joydeep says 'It would be very funny, if it werent so sad ' ! ...

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